Thursday 14 April 2016

Week 1:

Activity 1:

·        The Truss system held up considerably considering the aim was for height and a restriction on material amount
·        We opted for a warren truss like structure that was braced through triangulated.
s  The weight ontop of the horizontal structure was distributed through the frames and concentrating force at the joints. However the joints could not hold up to an extent. Because the joint werent secured properly, the joints ended up failing and the slightest rotation caused it to fail.
The triangulation of the trusses supported each adjacent member and spreading deformatioin from the edges.

Activity 2:

·        The back span of the bridge began to deform and bend as the tension cables started to flex. The cables from the centre to the posts were supporting the centre. My thought was as the centre began to deformation and dip downwards, the posts would be dragged towards the centre, and the posts, would then be held up from the strings that are connected to the back end of the structure. This didnt turn out as the deformation caused the tension in the middle cables to be lost and lose structural integrity. It did hold up to a certain weight but failed ultimately

Activity 3:

·        We wanted to go against the grain in manipulating and a structure that supported each. We looked into multiple strips that first went against the structure. What we found was that the strips if linear and straight deformed from rotational and no bracing. To fix this we made zig zag pattern to distribute the load and prevent the structure support from falling on its sides. 

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